USA TOAY has been maintaining this running list since March, and will continue to update if more members test positive.

WASHINGTON – At least 57 members of Congress have tested positive for COVID-19, its antibodies or been diagnosed with the coronavirus as the nation continues to grapple with the pandemic.

Dr. Brian Monahan, the attending physician at the U.S. Capitol, has been working to identify any individuals who had contact with the members who tested positive, according to guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician sent by House officials to members earlier this year.

Dozens of lawmakers have announced they have tested positive for COVID-19 or antibodies to the virus, which indicates they may have been previously infected.

Additionally, now nearly a year into the pandemic, top members of the U.S. government are now beginning to receive a vaccine, including many of those on Capitol Hill.

More: Here are the top US government officials who have received the coronavirus vaccine

Here are those who have tested positive for the virus or antibodies:

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, R-Tenn., announced Jan. 10 that he tested positive for COVID-19.

“Today, I learned that I have tested positive for COVID-19 after coming into contact with another infected Member of Congress, with whom I share a residence in D.C.,” he said in a statement. “I have been in quarantine since Wednesday night, which is when I learned the individual had tested positive, and following CDC guidance.”

He previously told WRCB TV that the contact was Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla.

Fleischmann was present in the House on Jan. 6 when Congress met to count the votes in the Electoral College and lawmakers were forced to flee their chambers as a mob breached the U.S. Capitol.

After the session resumed, Fleischmann was among the House Republicans who voted to affirm objections to electoral votes in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Today, I learned that I have tested positive for COVID-19. I have been in quarantine since Wednesday night. I will continue to work for my constituents while self-isolating. I currently feel okay and remain in contact with the Attending Physician.

— Chuck Fleischmann (@RepChuck) January 10, 2021

Rep. Gus Bilirakis

Story continues

Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., announced Jan. 6 that he tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, he was not present for the joint session of the House and Senate to count votes in the Electoral College and certify Joe Biden as President-elect.

“I tested positive for COVID-19 this morning, and as such, will not be on the House Floor for today’s debate,” he wrote on Twitter. “In accordance with CDC guidelines and upon the advice of the House Physician, I am in quarantine.”

Rep. Michelle Steel

The office of Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif., announced on Jan. 6 that she had tested positive. Steel said she had no symptoms but was tested test out of an abundance of caution after coming into contact with someone who was positive.

“At the advice of the Attending Physician, and to protect the health of my colleagues, I will be quarantining,” said a statement from Steel.

Rep. Kevin Brady

Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, announced Jan. 5 he tested positive for COVID-19. He received one dose of a vaccination in December. Both vaccines require two doses.

“Tonite the Office of House Physician informed me that I’ve tested positive for Covid 19 & am quarantined,” Brady said on Twitter.

He said he’d recently tested negative on New Year’s day and would begin treatment Wednesday. Brady added that he should “be fine.”

Rep. Kay Granger

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, announced on Jan. 5 she tested positive for COVID-19. She received one dose of a vaccination in December. Both vaccines require two doses.

According to her office, she was tested when she “arrived in DC for the beginning of the 117th Congress” and “was later notified that she tested positive and immediately quarantined.”

Granger is currently asymptomatic, according to her office.

More: New Congress sworn in with 2020 tensions still simmering, Georgia runoff looming

Rep. Gwen Moore

Rep. Gwen Moore, a Democrat from Wisconsin, announced on Dec. 28 she had tested positive for COVID-19.

“I tested positive for COVID-19. I am following guidance from my doctor and am isolating from others,” Moore wrote on Twitter. “I am thankful to be feeling well. And I do not foresee this disrupting my work for Wisconsin’s Fourth.”

I tested positive for COVID-19. I am following guidance from my doctor and am isolating from others. I am thankful to be feeling well. And I do not foresee this disrupting my work for Wisconsin’s Fourth.

— Rep. Gwen Moore (@RepGwenMoore) December 28, 2020

Rep. Rick Larsen

Rep. Rick Larsen, a Democrat representing Washington state, announced on Dec. 23 he had tested positive for COVID-19 the day before.

“Yesterday, I received a positive test result for the COVID-19 virus. I am quarantining in accordance with CDC guidelines and am not experiencing any symptoms,” he tweeted. “I am prepared to vote by proxy in the coming days if the House schedules votes.”

Yesterday, I received a positive test result for the COVID-19 virus. I am quarantining in accordance with CDC guidelines and am not experiencing any symptoms. I am prepared to vote by proxy in the coming days if the House schedules votes.

— Rep. Rick Larsen (@RepRickLarsen) December 23, 2020

Rep. Cedric Richmond

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., who will serve as senior adviser to President-elect Joe Biden and director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, tested positive for COVID-19, Biden’s transition team announced Dec. 17.

He traveled to Georgia for a campaign event to support Jon Ossoff’s and Rev. Raphael Warnock’s Senate runoff races on Tuesday, Dec. 15, where Biden was present, but was not in close contact, per the CDC’s guidelines, with them, according to spokesperson Kate Bedingfield. He first had symptoms Wednesday, Dec. 16.

“Richmond’s interactions with the President-elect happened in open air, were masked and totaled less than 15 consecutive minutes, the CDC’s timeframe for close contact. Richmond traveled to Georgia on his own and not with the President-elect,” Bedingfield said.

Richmond will quarantine for 14 days before returning to work with the transition or Congress.

Rep. Mike Rogers

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., said he tested positive for COVID-19 and was experiencing “mild symptoms” on Dec. 17.

Rogers was self-isolating, he said, but “otherwise was in good spirits and looking forward to getting back to work soon.

Rep. Joe Wilson

Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C. said in a press release on Dec. 16 he tested positive for COVID-19 and “will be taking all necessary precautions, as directed by the House Physician, including quarantining through the Christmas holiday.”

“Thankfully I feel fine and do not have any symptoms,” he said, continuing that “It is so important that we all do our part to help prevent the spread of this virus.”

Wilson spoke on the House floor on Wednesday, and was in contact with several of his colleagues.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., said in a Dec. 15 statement he had tested positive after coming into contact with someone else who had tested positive for COVID-19.

“I’m quarantining at home in Georgia, with mild symptoms,” he said, but looked forward to returning to work as soon as possible.

Rep. Ken Calvert

Congressman Ken Calvert, a Republican from California, announced on December 15 he had tested positive for COVID-19 late November but has now recovered.

“I did experience symptoms, but am now back to full strength. Having been cleared to travel, I returned to DC yesterday. I regret missing votes during my quarantine, especially on passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, and I have inserted my views on all missed votes into the Congressional Record,” Calvert said in a statement.

Rep. Robert Aderholt

Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., announced he tested positive for COVID-19 but was experiencing no symptoms. He said in a statement he had been tested and went into isolation after his wife Caroline tested positive for COVID-19. He would continue to isolate, he said.

“I fully expected to receive a negative test, because I have felt, and continue to feel fine, and have no symptoms,” he said. “Unfortunately, I received word Friday morning that my test came back positive.”

Rep. Ted Budd

Rep. Ted Budd, R-N.C., announced on Dec. 1 he tested positive for COVID-19and said he was experiencing mild symptoms.

Budd said he will quarantine in North Carolina and work with his staff in Washington remotely.

“I don’t want to worry folks; I’m following CDC guidelines and I’ll be alright,” Budd said in a video posted to his Twitter account. “Even though I have to stay here in North Carolina for the time being, I’ll keep fighting for solutions that will help people who are feeling the impact of COVID much worse than I am.”

Rep. Austin Scott

Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., has tested positive for COVID-19, according to his office on Nov. 30.

“Rep. Scott has tested positive for COVID-19 and is following guidance from the House Attending Physician as well as his personal physician,” Chief of Staff Jason Lawrence said in a statement provided to USA TODAY. “Austin and Vivien are appreciative of the prayers and well wishes.”

Rep. Susie Lee

Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev., shared the news that she tested positive for the virus on Nov. 25, one day following her mother’s death after “months of deteriorating health.”

The congresswoman said she had traveled to Ohio Monday, Nov. 23, as her mother began receiving hospice care. Though Lee said she tested negative on Sunday in anticipation of the trip, her test on Wednesday was positive.

“I am currently asymptomatic and plan to participate in remote memorial services for my mother over the weekend,” Lee wrote in a statement. “Starting next week, I will continue my congressional work remotely while isolating until I know that it is safe to exit isolation.”

Rep. Rick Allen

Rep. Rick Allen, R-Ga., said in a Nov. 24 statement he tested positive for COVID-19 after “undergoing regular COVID-19 testing.”

“I do not have any symptoms and will continue to work on behalf of the 12th District from home as I quarantine,” he said.

Rep. Joe Courtney

Rep. Joe Courtney, D-Conn., said in a statement that he learned he had been exposed to the virus by someone who was unaware they were infected at the time.

“Upon learning of that initial exposure, I immediately began following the strict isolation guidelines laid out by the CDC and by my doctor while I waited to get a coronavirus test,” Courtney said in a statement. “After my first test came back negative, I continued to isolate but began to experience mild symptoms. I got another test and, this evening I was notified that the second test came back positive.”

Courtney said the experience reinforced his belief that “we’ve got to remain vigilant about wearing masks, social distancing, and the basic essentials like washing our hands frequently.”

Rep. Bryan Steil

Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wisc., said in a Nov. 22 statement he tested positive for COVID-19 after he began to experience mild symptoms.

He said he would begin “immediately quarantining” but plans to continue to work from home.

Sen. Rick Scott

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., announced Nov. 20 that he tested positive for COVID-19 and was experiencing “very mild symptoms.”

“After several negative tests, I learned I was positive for COVID-19 this AM,” Scott said in a tweet, adding that he was “feeling good.”

“I’ll be working from home until it’s safe for me to return to DC,” Scott tweeted. “I remind everyone to be careful & do the right things to protect yourselves & others.”

Rep. Doug Lamborn

Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., announced Nov. 18 he tested “recently tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.”

Lamborn is “isolating at his home in Colorado Springs” a statement reads. “The Congressman will continue to work for the district from home and his staff will continue to provide the best of constituent services. He looks forward to resuming his normal schedule soon.”

Rep. Dan Newhouse

Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., announced Nov. 18 that he tested positive for coronavirus on the night before.

“I began to feel a little run down yesterday, so I took a COVID-19 test,” Newhouse posted to Twitter when announcing his positive diagnosis. “My symptoms remain mild, and I am following CDC guidelines.”

“I am quarantining and will continue to serve the people of Central Washington from home.”

I began to feel a little run down yesterday, so I took a COVID-19 test. Last night, the results came back positive for the virus. My symptoms remain mild, and I am following CDC guidelines. I am quarantining and will continue to serve the people of Central Washington from home.

— Rep. Dan Newhouse (@RepNewhouse) November 18, 2020

Rep. Ed Perlmutter

Colorado Democrat Ed Perlmutter announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus the evening of Nov. 17.

“As of now, I am asymptomatic and I’m feeling good,” Perlmutter said in a written statement. “I am currently in Washington, D.C. and plan to isolate in my apartment while continuing to work and voting remotely.”

Perlmutter was last seen on Capitol Hill the day before he tested positive, according to C-SPAN.

“I’ve been taking precautions like so many Coloradans over the past eight months. … As we enter the holiday season, I encourage everyone to continue to heed the warnings of no personal gatherings, social distancing, and wearing a mask,” Perlmutter’s statement reads.

Sen. Chuck Grassley

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the oldest Republican currently serving in the Senate, announced he tested positive for the coronavirus the afternoon of Nov. 17.

“I’ve tested positive for coronavirus. I’ll b following my doctors’ orders/CDC guidelines & continue to quarantine. I’m feeling good + will keep up on my work for the ppl of Iowa from home. I appreciate everyone’s well wishes + prayers &look fwd to resuming my normal schedule soon,” Grassley wrote on Twitter.

Grassley, 87, had gone into quarantine and was tested that morning after learning he’d been exposed to the virus. That test came back positive.

Rep. Tim Walberg

Republican Tim Walberg, who has been a vocal critic of lockdowns nationally and in his home state of Michigan, announced that he’d tested positive for COVID-19 on Nov. 16.

“I received news yesterday that I tested positive for COVID-19. My symptoms are mild, and I remain in good spirits,” Walberg told The Detroit News.

“It has been more than a week since I have attended a public event. In conjunction with health officials, my office and I are in the process of reaching out to individuals I had contact with before my self-isolation began,” he said.

Walberg’s statement did not say when he began to self-isolate.

“My symptoms are mild, and I remain in good spirits,” he said.

Rep. Cheri Bustos

Democrat Cheri Bustos of Illinois said that she tested positive for COVID-19 on Nov. 16.

Bustos, who recently announced she would not seek reelection as chief of the House Democratic campaign arm, is quarantining after her positive test.

“I am experiencing mild symptoms, but still feel well,” the congresswoman tweeted. “I have been in contact with my medical provider and, per CDC guidance, am self-isolating.”

I have tested positive for the COVID virus. I am experiencing mild symptoms, but still feel well.

I have been in contact with my medical provider and, per CDC guidance, am self-isolating.

— Rep. Cheri Bustos (@RepCheri) November 16, 2020

“We must all continue to be vigilant in following public health best practices,” Bustos cautioned. “Wear a mask, practice social distancing, get your flu shot and wash your hands.”

Rep. Don Young

Republican Don Young of Alaska announced on Nov. 12 he had tested positive for COVID-19.

Young, 87, is the longest-serving member of the House and is Alaska’s only Representative.

He tweeted he is “feeling strong, following proper protocols, working from home in Alaska, and ask for privacy at this time.”

I have tested positive for COVID-19. I am feeling strong, following proper protocols, working from home in Alaska, and ask for privacy at this time. May God Bless Alaska.

— Rep. Don Young (@repdonyoung) November 12, 2020

Rep. Michael Waltz

Florida Republican Rep. Michael Waltz announced on Nov. 6 he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

“I’ve purposefully tested every week, have now isolated, and reached out to people for notifications,” Waltz said in a statement released through campaign spokeswoman, Erin Isaac. “We are fortunate all of my staff or family are fine.”

More: Congressman Michael Waltz tests positive for COVID-19

Waltz said suspected he contracted COVID-19 in his district sometime while out and about meeting voters before the election, or with campaign workers on Election Day.

Rep. Drew Ferguson

Republican Drew Ferguson of Georgia’s third district announced a positive COVID test Oct. 30 after feeling “mild symptoms” and then a “slight fever.”

Ferguson said planned to work from home and self-quarantine.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp also announced Oct. 30 they would go in quarantine after coming into contact with a person who had tested positive for COVID-19. The statement released by Kemp’s office did not mention the name of the individual, but Kemp and Ferguson attended an event for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign together on Oct. 27.

Rep. Bill Huizenga

Republican Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan’s second district announced he tested positive for COVID-19 using a rapid test on Oct. 14, ahead of a scheduled appearance with Vice President Mike Pence.

“Earlier today, I was expected to appear with the Vice President. While taking part in offsite testing protocols, I took a rapid test that came back positive for COVID-19. I am awaiting the results of a PCR test and I am self isolating until I have confirmed results,” Huizenga tweeted.

The congressman was expected at a campaign stop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Pence held a rally. Huizenga’s rapid test showed a positive result days before President Donald Trump’s scheduled rally in his district.

Rep. Mike Bost

Illinois Rep. Mike Bost, a Republican, said Oct. 9 he tested positive for COVID-19 on Oct. 8 after experiencing a mild cough and a loss of taste and smell.

“Despite taking my temperature regularly and having no evidence of a fever, I experienced a mild cough and a rapid loss of both taste and smell and recognized it was important to get tested immediately,” he said.

Bost said he was postponing his public events, and all his staff who had been in close contact with him would quarantine until they were tested themselves.

Rep. Salud Carbajal

California Rep. Salud Carbajal, a Democrat, said Oct. 6 he tested positive for COVID-19 after being exposed to someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.

“I hope this serves a reminder of how easily this virus can spread,” he said. “I followed every precaution, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing and unfortunately was still exposed. It is incumbent on every single one of us to take careful precautions in order to protect the health and safety of those around us.”

Sen. Ron Johnson

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, was the third GOP senator to announce a positive test result for coronavirus since President Donald Trump announced he and first lady Melania Trump were infected with COVID-19.

“Senator Johnson feels healthy and is not experiencing symptoms,” Johnson’s office said a statement. “He will remain isolated until given the all-clear by his doctor.”

Johnson’s office said he had been exposed to someone who tested positive on Sept. 14 and stayed in quarantine for 14 days. During that time, he tested negative. On Sept. 29, he returned to Washington where he came into contact with someone who had the virus. Johnson got tested again and the test came back positive, his office said.

Sen. Mike Lee

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, announced on Oct. 2 that he has tested positive for coronavirus and will remain on quarantine for the next 10 days. Lee’s announcement came hours after Trump’s announcement that he and the first lady had the coronavirus. Hope Hicks, one of Trump’s closest advisers with whom he had traveled recently, tested positive earlier.

Lee said he was experiencing symptoms consistent with allergies and tested positive for COVID-19 shortly after. Before he tested positive, Lee met with Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, and was seen in a picture standing next to the judge. Both aren’t wearing masks.

Sen. Thom Tillis

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina, said on Oct. 2 that he has tested positive for coronavirus. Tillis said he isn’t experiencing symptoms and will isolate for 10 days.

Both Lee and Tillis were at an event at the Rose Garden earlier this week when Trump announced Barrett’s nomination. Attendees were seen sitting close to each other and not wearing masks.

Rep. Jahana Hayes

Rep. Jahana Hayes, a Democrat from Connecticut, announced on Sept. 20 she had COVID-19.

Hayes had posted a series of tweets that included a video of her getting tested. She noted that members of Congress have not been frequently tested for the virus.

She wrote, “Masks, social distancing & frequent floor cleanings are the precautions that are taken in the House. I have taken every possible precaution and still contracted coronavirus.”

Jenniffer González-Colón

González-Colón, Puerto Rico’s nonvoting member of Congress and a Republican, said she tested positive for COVID-19 in a Aug. 24 Facebook video. She said it had been a “mistake” for her to attend indoor campaign events with other Puerto Rican officials in the territory’s primary. She was asymptomatic, she said, but would self-isolate for two weeks.

Rep. Dan Meuser

Meuser, R-Pa. announced he had tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 22. In a statement, he said he would be “taking all necessary actions, including postponing upcoming public events and working from home in quarantine until I receive a negative test result.”

His wife tested negative, he said, and his grown children were not at home.

Sen. Bill Cassidy

Cassidy, R-La., tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 20 after being exposed to an individual with the coronavirus, his office said. Cassidy, a gastroenterologist, said he would quarantine for 14 days and notify everyone who may have come into contact with him.

“I am strictly following the direction of our medical experts and strongly encourage others to do the same,” Cassidy said in a statement.

Rep. Rodney Davis

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., announced he tested positive after regularly taking his temperature “because serving in Congress means I interact with many people, and it’s my duty to protect the health of those I serve.”

“This morning, my temperature clocked in at 99 degrees Fahrenheit, which is higher than normal for me,” he said Aug. 5. That led to him getting tested.

Davis did not say where he thinks he got the virus, saying that he and his staff “take COVID-19 very seriously.”

“My wife is a nurse and a cancer survivor, which puts her in an at-risk category like so many Americans,” Rodney continued, saying his wife’s test came back negative this morning. “My office and I have always followed and will continue to follow CDC guidelines, use social distancing, and wear masks or face coverings when social distancing cannot be maintained.”

“Other than a higher-than-normal temperature, I am showing no symptoms at this time and feel fine,” Davis said.

More: How safe is Capitol Hill from COVID-19? Here’s what we know.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva

Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., tested positive for COVID-19 after a week in Washington, D.C., that included a hearing with Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who announced he had tested positive earlier the same week.

Grijalva said he was asymptomatic and in self-quarantine at his residence in the Washington area. It isn’t clear how Grijalva contracted the virus, but the House Natural Resources Committee hearing that included Gohmert is a possibility.

“While I cannot blame anyone directly for this, this week has shown that there are some Members of Congress who fail to take this crisis seriously,” Grijalva said in a written statement Aug. 1. “Numerous Republican members routinely strut around the Capitol without a mask to selfishly make a political statement at the expense of their colleagues, staff, and their families.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, tested positive for COVID-19 on July 29 ahead of a scheduled trip with the president to Texas on Air Force One. He said he was not experiencing any symptoms, but was tested at the White House before the trip, and would be self-quarantining for 10 days per the advice of White House and Congress physicians.

Gohmert was seen around Capitol Hill without wearing a mask ahead of his diagnosis, but claimed he had worn one more often in the last two weeks “more than I have in the whole last four months.”

“I can’t help but wonder if by keeping a mask on and keeping it in place, I might have put some germs — some virus — onto the mask and breathed it in,” Gohmert said in an interview with Texas station KETK.

The day before testing positive, Gohmert had participated in a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr.

Rep. Morgan Griffith

Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va., announced July 14 that he tested positive for COVID-19. He said on Twitter that he has been self-isolating since noticing symptoms, which are currently not “significant.”

Griffith held a news conference July 9 with other members of the House Freedom Caucus, a conservative and libertarian sect of Congress, where they encouraged President Donald Trump and state officials to reopen schools across America in the fall for in-person instruction.

Rep. Tom Rice

Rep. Tom Rice, R-S.C., announced in a June 15 Facebook post that he, along with his wife and son had been infected.

“COVID-19 is a serious, sometimes deadly illness. We, however, have fared well,” Rice said.

“I was lucky, and it was not bad for me. I had a low fever and a mild cough,” he shared. “I never stopped eating or drinking or working or moving. The only bad thing is I have completely lost sense of taste and smell. CAN’T TASTE BACON!!!”

Rep. Neal Dunn

Rep. Neal Dunn, R-Fla., announced April 9 he had a positive test for the coronavirus after visiting the emergency room “out of an abundance of caution” the evening of April 6. Dunn, 67, was not admitted to the hospital, but met the guidelines to receive testing.

Dunn’s office said he quarantined at home and expected “a full recovery soon.”

“He is keenly interested in new and faster testing to help everyone understand their risks … (and) reminds everyone that it is important for us all to stay home unless they are an essential employee or need essential items from stores or pharmacies,” his office said in a statement.

Rep. Nydia Velásquez

Rep. Nydia Velásquez, D-N.Y., announced March 30 that the Office of the Attending Physician had diagnosed her “with presumed coronavirus infection.”

Velásquez isolated herself at home and because her symptoms were mild, “neither COVID-19 laboratory testing nor a doctor’s visit was recommended.”

Rep. Mike Kelly

Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., announced March 27 that he tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing flu-like symptoms earlier in the week.

Kelly said that he was tested “at the drive-through testing site” at a Butler, Pennsylvania, hospital.

“My symptoms remain mild, and I will serve the 16th district from home until I fully recover,” his statement said, adding that he was “not in Washington for the House vote on the third coronavirus relief package” but that he would have voted in favor of it.

More: Trump signs $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus intended to halt economic meltdown – live updates

Rep. Joe Cunningham

Cunningham, D-S.C., announced a positive test for the coronavirus on Friday, March 27.

“While I otherwise feel fine, since March 17th I have been unable to smell or taste, which I learned this week is a potential symptom of COVID-19,” he said in a statement. Cunningham said he was tested on Thursday after a remote consultation with a physician and received a positive result Friday.

“While my symptoms have begun to improve, I will remain at home until I know it is safe to leave self-quarantine,” Cunningham said in a statement, adding that he would continue to work remotely.

Cunningham said he had been in self-quarantine since March 19 after coming into contact with another member of Congress who tested positive.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart

Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., announced on March 18 that he tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the first known member of Congress to contract the rapidly spreading virus.

Diaz-Balart, 58, who represents parts of Miami and South Florida, said in a statement that he decided to self-quarantine in Washington Friday night after voting with hundreds of his colleagues on the House floor for a coronavirus relief package. He said he decided to stay in Washington because his wife has pre-existing conditions, and thus is more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus.

Diaz-Balart said that the following day, he started to show symptoms that included a fever and headache. He was notified on Wednesday that he tested positive for the coronavirus. In the statement, Diaz-Balart did not indicate where he may have contracted the illness, nor why he decided to self-quarantine.

‘Extraordinary circumstances’: Congress mulls voting remotely to avoid coronavirus

“I want everyone to know that I am feeling much better,” Diaz-Balart said in a statement. “However, it is important that everyone take this extremely seriously and follow CDC guidelines in order to avoid getting sick and mitigate the spread of this virus. We must continue to work together to emerge stronger as a country during these trying times.”

‘Abundance of caution’: Several lawmakers self-quarantine out of fear of contact with coronavirus

I’m feeling much better. However, it’s important that everyone take this seriously and follow @CDCgov guidelines in order to avoid getting sick & mitigate the spread of this virus. We must continue to work together to emerge stronger as a country during these trying times.

— Mario Diaz-Balart (@MarioDB) March 18, 2020

Rep. Ben McAdams

McAdams, D-Utah, said he started developing mild symptoms Saturday, March 21, after returning from Washington, D.C., and immediately began isolating himself after consultation with his doctor.

“On Tuesday, my doctor instructed me to get tested for COVID-19 and following his referral, I went to the local testing clinic for the test,” he said in a statement. “Today I learned that I tested positive.

“I Urge Utahns to take this seriously and follow the health recommendations we’re getting from the CDC and other health experts so that we can recover from this public threat,” said McAdams, 45.

Sen. Rand Paul

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus and was quarantining, his office announced Sunday, March 22. Paul said in an update on April 7 he had been retested with a negative result and started volunteering at a local hospital.

“Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19,” reads a statement on his official Twitter feed March 22. “He is feeling fine and is in quarantine. He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.

“He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time. Ten days ago, our D.C. office began operating remotely, hence virtually no staff has had contact with Senator Rand Paul.”

The statement did not say when Paul tested positive, nor when he might have contracted the illness, but his infection could mean several more lawmakers were exposed.

More: Coronavirus can live in the air for hours and on surfaces for days, study finds

Members who tested positive for antibodies

Several members of Congress have said they tested positive for antibodies to the coronavirus, indicating that they previously had the virus. When the virus is contracted, the body’s immune system works to defend itself by producing antibodies that fight off infection.

Antibody tests are not considered definitive indicators of whether someone can contract the virus again, and false-positive results are possible, according to the CDC. A USA TODAY review in May also found that the FDA list of authorized antibody test providers included some with dubious claims or backgrounds, leading to questions about their accuracy.

Sen. Kevin Cramer

Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., said on Dec. 23 that he had tested positive for antibodies.

“Earlier this month I took a curiosity COVID antibody test that came back positive. I don’t know when I had COVID and have never had a symptom,” he tweeted.

Earlier this month I took a curiosity COVID antibody test that came back positive. I don’t know when I had COVID and have never had a symptom. I suspect there are many people who have had this virus and don’t know it. I encourage people to test for antibodies. #TrumpVaccines

— Sen. Kevin Cramer (@SenKevinCramer) December 23, 2020

Rep. Devin Nunes

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., shared on Dec. 11 he tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies.

Sen. Steve Daines

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., announced in November he had had participated in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial, and then tested positive for antibodies.

“My goal is to help build confidence and trust for Montanans and the American people wondering if they should take the vaccine when it is approved,” he said in a statement.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida and close ally of President Donald Trump, said he tested positive for the virus antibodies on Nov. 3, Election Day.

More: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a fierce Trump ally, tests positive for COVID-19 antibodies

Gaetz told USA TODAY he had tested “positive for antibodies” though not the live virus.

In a series of texts, Gaetz wrote that he has “no symptoms.” He said he has no plans to quarantine and does not know where he picked up the antibodies.

Sen. Tim Kaine

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., announced May 28 that both he and his wife had tested positive for antibodies, after he had experienced what he thought were flu symptoms in March. When his wife also developed symptoms, doctors told them they may have had mild forms of the coronavirus, he said in a statement.

“We were both at home in Richmond, working remotely and isolated from others,” Kaine said. “Due to the national testing shortage, we were not tested for the virus but continued isolating and watched for any worsening of symptoms. By mid-April we were symptom free.”

Kaine said they would continue to follow CDC guidelines to protect against the spread of the virus because of “uncertainty” over whether antibodies offer protection from future infection.

Sen. Bob Casey

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn., said on May 29 that he had taken an antibody test that came back positive after experiencing a fever and flu-like symptoms earlier in the spring.

“This positive test means that I likely had COVID-19 at some point over the last several months and have since developed an antibody response to the virus,” he said in a press release.

Casey said he self-quarantined and worked from home in Scranton, Penn., for two weeks after discussing his symptoms with his doctor and that he would be donating his plasma to help coronavirus patients.

Contributing: John Fritze, Christal Hayes, Jason Lalljee, Kristine Phillips, USA TODAY; Ronald J. Hansen, Arizona Republic; Rana Cash, Savannah Morning News

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: COVID: Which members of Congress have tested positive for coronavirus?

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